Portal days - using the energy of the universe

A woman stands by a lake and spreads her arms to feel the energy of the portal days.

Do you know this? You wake up and feel full of energy, drive and strength. Your mood is excellent and also the people around you are in a good mood. But then there are also days when you feel powerless, dull and "off track". Somehow you are irritated and can't explain where this comes from. Of course, there are a variety of reasons why your daily mood can be so different, but one of them can be due to the cosmic energies - the so-called portal days swirl our doshas quite a bit.

What are portal days?

In the universe, everything is permeated by the three bioenergies: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They are also essential for us in European Ayurveda® and according to which we align our cures, nutrition and daily rhythm. The exact vibration of these three doshas cannot be easily measured, but we assume that their effect on us and our environment is different. In European Ayurveda® we therefore try to maintain a balanced relationship between the three bioenergies. But back to the portal days. The days have their origin in the Mayan calendar. The South American people assumed thousands of years ago that on these days the cosmic energy vibrates higher than usual. You can also make use of this knowledge in European Ayurveda®.

How to use the vibrations with European Ayurveda®

The higher vibrations on the portal days enable you to deal more with yourself as well as with your environment. The effects of the energy show up differently for each person:

  • You are highly emotional: either you feel very light or very heavy
  • Inner turmoil, thoughts and emotional chaos
  • You, but also your fellow men react more quickly irritated
  • Headaches, fatigue and migraines complicate daily routine
  • You suffer from sleep disorders
  • Creativity and solutions bubble out of you on such days.
  • You feel that you have more energy than usual
  • Your empathy is once again sharpened and focused
  • You realize more quickly what you need for yourself.

As you can see, the portal days can be very upsetting emotionally, but they also hold a lot of potential for new things. This is exactly what you can use for yourself.

Do you feel drained and dull? Then your body, mind and soul are trying to tell you that something is wrong.

Try to ground yourself with meditation. This helps you to shut down the carousel of thoughts and to stay more with yourself. A walk in nature also helps you to come down again.

A meditation helps you to get through the portal days relaxed.

The right diet also helps you stay in shape. On portal days, enjoy light and energy-providing food, such as a delicious porridge in the morning. It is better to avoid foods that are difficult to digest, such as mushrooms.

If you have the feeling that the portal days "hit you" again and again, this is perhaps also a sign to strive for a cure. A detox cure helps you to purify and to get rid of toxins and ballast. A Panchakarma cure, meanwhile, is best suited to bring health and inner balance into harmony.

A detailed guide with many more tips for your personal Panchakarma cure you can read in the newly published book "Ayurveda: the 7-day Panchakarma cure at home". TV actress Andrea Kathrin Loewig, in cooperation with our EA® specialists, has written a great read in which you can design your personal cure with many recipes, applications and daily exercises. You can buy the book in our store

In general, the energies of the universe help you to find clarity again. Either you should solve blockades with yourself or tackle important and challenging projects with the newly won energies. So listen well to yourself, take some time on the portal days and then start full speed ahead!

When do portal days take place?

The portal days do not follow a regular cycle. However, their dates can be calculated on the basis of the Mayan calendar. For 2023 you can expect the portal days in the following months:

February: 2.2., 3.2., 22.2., 24.2.

March: 3/13, 3/17, 3/24, 3/25.

April: 4/1, 4/7, 4/12, 4/15, 4/20, 4/28.

May: 5/1, 5/6, 5/9, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/24, 5/25, 5/26, 5/27, 5/28.

June: 28.6., 29.6., 30.6.

July: 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 7/4, 7/5, 7/6, 7/7, 7/17, 7/20, 7/25, 7/28.

August: 5.8., 10.8., 13.8., 18.8., 24.8., 31.8.

September: 9/1, 9/8, 9/12, 9/29.

October: 1.10., 20.10., 21.10.

November: 9.11., 11.9., 28.11.

December: 12/2, 12/9, 12/10, 12/17, 12/23, 12/28, 12/31,

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