Mental health: How you can heal your inner child

How you can heal your inner child with European Ayurveda

"I am weak. I have to perform in order to be loved. I am not enough." Do these thoughts sound familiar? Many people are guided by negative beliefs. But where do they come from? All experiences - both positive and negative - that we have in our childhood shape us and our view of the world. So everyone carries parts of their childhood self with them throughout their lives. For a harmonious, self-confident life, it is essential that your inner child and you are in harmony.

What is the inner child?

A woman in a snowy landscape catching a snowball. Fun and games support your inner child.
Your inner child unconsciously shapes the way you act as an adult.

Your inner child is the part of you that was shaped by your experiences as a child. Depending on what you experienced, you will usually encounter this child in emotional situations in adulthood. For example, when you don't feel seen by your partner after a stressful day. Or when you once again don't stand up for yourself in a salary negotiation because you think you haven't done enough.

However, our inner child is not only characterized by negative experiences. The beautiful moments also remain. This is why the inner child is often divided into the shadow child and the sun child. Depending on which part predominates, we go through life stronger or our shadow child prevents us from realizing our full potential.

In psychology, when we talk about healing the inner child, we are not talking about integrating childish behavior into the adult world. Rather, acknowledging and dealing with this part of your personality can help you to release negative beliefs and assumptions about yourself and live the best version of yourself.

Get in touch with your inner child

A child sitting on a tree trunk with its hands in front of its face in despair. As a metaphor for your inner child.
What fears and longings does your inner child have?

In order to confront your inner child and the beliefs associated with it, you must first get in touch with it. Find out what longings and fears your inner child has and what it needs to be happy. There are various methods for this:

  • Look at photos of children: This method is an easy way to get closer to your inner child. Look at photos from your childhood and try to remember how you felt at that time. What happened before this photo - what happened afterwards? Can you rejoice with your inner child or give them comfort? Do the pictures bring back memories of other situations? Allow all the thoughts that come now.
  • Meditate: If you are already familiar with meditation, this practice can also help you work with your inner child. Listen to yourself and try to fathom your feelings. You may be able to visualize your inner child. Do you understand how it feels? Establish a connection between you by reaching out to your inner child or perhaps even hugging it. This will make your inner child feel seen and safe.
  • Write to your inner child: To record your thoughts and experiences, write them down. Perhaps you would like to try writing a letter to your inner child? Alternatively or in addition, you can also draw a picture of the encounter with your inner child. Choose the method you feel most comfortable with.

Healing the inner child

Healing your inner child is a process that requires time and patience. After all, beliefs have usually been burned into your subconscious for years. Until these are completely dissolved, you will probably experience setbacks again and again. That is part of the process. Keep at it and don't doubt yourself. Embrace the process and the time it takes.

Journaling is a helpful tool when working with your inner child. To strengthen the positive relationship with your inner child, regularly write down your thoughts and feelings. Especially if you have had a bad day, positive lines and all the progress you have already made can help you to continue working on yourself and with yourself.

Support in the here and now

To a certain extent, we can work on healing our inner child ourselves. However, if you would like to face your beliefs more intensively and with professional guidance in order to develop your full potential, we recommend coaching at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. Here you can learn to heal your inner child under the guidance of our team of experts.

Together we will shed light on your negative emotions and explore deep-seated beliefs. Where do your values and beliefs come from? Are they helpful for a positive attitude towards life? With the help of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, you can lovingly encounter your inner child and rediscover yourself. This enables you to blossom into a completely new positive self-esteem. Because when you bring peace into your biography, energy is released for your ideas and your creative power.

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