Only 30 minutes: Healing European Ayurveda® routines for every day

30 minutes a day: how to integrate Ayurvedic rituals into your everyday life

How much time do you give your health? European Ayurveda® does not always require weeks of treatment to have a healing effect on your body. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to live according to the principles of European Ayurveda® and improve your well-being.

You can probably feel it yourself: Your well-being depends to a large extent on the activities you fill your day with. Depending on where you are in your life, it can be easier or more difficult to integrate healthy habits and strengthening routines into your daily routine. To help you find balance even in a hectic everyday life, we have combined the most important routines from European Ayurveda® so that they only take up a total of 30 minutes of your time each day!

European Ayurveda® in the morning

Have you ever consciously paid attention to how you start your day? Take a few minutes in the morning to thoroughly cleanse your body and refresh your mind.

Three short routines await you after getting up:

  • Scrape your tongue: Oral hygiene plays an important role in European Ayurveda®, as ama (toxins) can build up on your tongue overnight. With a tongue scraper made of stainless steel, you can remove this and stimulate your digestion at the same time. To do this, gently place the scraper on the back third of the tongue surface and pull it forwards towards the tip of the tongue several times. Important: After use, you should clean the scraper with warm water.
  • Oil pulling: We recommend oil pulling to remove toxins from your entire mouth. The positive effects of this traditional Ayurvedic technique are now also recognized in Western medicine. Here's how it works: Take a teaspoon of of sesame oil or another organic oil into your mouth and "pull" it slowly through all areas of the oral cavity and the spaces between the teeth for several minutes. Then spit the oil into a paper towel and dispose of it in the household waste. Now you can rinse your mouth thoroughly with water and brush your teeth as usual.
  • Warm lemon water: To round off your Ayurvedic morning ritual, boil some water and leave it to cool briefly. Then squeeze a fresh lemon and mix the juice with the warm water. Drink in small, careful sips. This will stimulate your metabolism and help you digest your breakfast better.

European Ayurveda® for lunch

30 minutes a day: how to integrate Ayurvedic rituals into your everyday life. These are healing European Ayurveda® routines.
Take the time to cook fresh once a day!

The next 10 minutes of mindfulness are best taken at lunchtime. This is the ideal time to recharge your batteries and start the second half of the day stronger. That's why you should plan your main meal now.

Take time to cook fresh and eat consciously. Chew and enjoy every bite. Positive side effect: if you eat consciously, you are less likely to "overeat".

After a meal, we recommend moderate exercise - especially if you work a lot at a desk. A short walk around the block is enough to stimulate digestion and clear your mind. You'll see, the fresh air works wonders! Healing European Ayurveda® routines suit us all!

European Ayurvda® in the evening

30 minutes a day: how to integrate Ayurvedic rituals into your everyday life
Use the evening to relax your body and mind.

After an eventful day, it is important to use the evening hours to calm down again. This is why Ayurvedic rituals in the evening are designed to relax the body and mind.

Guided meditation or gentle yoga routines such as the moon salutation are wonderful ways to ground yourself and clear your thoughts. Even with these techniques, all you need is a few minutes in the here and now to benefit from the positive effects. Which form you practise is of course up to you.

Alternatively, you can write down your thoughts. Journaling is about looking inwards once again and writing down what moves you. A more specific form of journaling is the gratitude diary. To do this, get yourself a nice notebook that you would like to write in every day and write down three things you are grateful for every evening.

We look forward to hearing about your experiences with 30 minutes of European Ayurveda® a day!

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