Balance your hormones with European Ayurveda®.

How your hormone balance can come into balance with European Ayurveda

Hormones have a significant influence on our well-being, as they have an impact on many important functions in our body. If the hormone balance is disturbed, this can affect not only the female cycle, but also the quality of sleep, digestion, skin appearance and metabolism. European Ayurveda® can help you to balance these important messengers and keep them in balance in the long term.

Healthy, balanced, vital and full of energy - that's how we would ideally like to feel every day of our lives. But often it looks different: You are exhausted, sleep poorly and your mood swings uncontrollably? Then it could be that your hormone balance is out of kilter. Hormones play a decisive but often neglected role in your physical and emotional health. Stress, an unhealthy diet and environmental influences have an impact on the most important of the 50 or so hormones that your body produces.

Hormones and their effect

The following hormones are directly related to your well-being:

How your hormone balance can come into balance with European Ayurveda
European Ayurveda® offers a variety of ways to balance your hormones.


These hormones not only control the menstrual cycle and the maturation of the eggs, they are also involved in the regulation of blood pressure in the body, important for bone health and protect against vascular calcification. Estrogens have a tangible effect on your mood - if they are out of balance, this can lead to depression. By the way: Men also produce estrogens from the hormone testosterone.


Often described as a "male" hormone, testosterone also works in the female body. It promotes muscle growth, supports cholesterol reduction and generally helps to increase drive and energy. Testosterone promotes a healthy sex drive and affects your skin appearance by influencing sebum production. A testosterone deficiency can therefore manifest itself in blemished skin and listlessness.


The corpus luteum hormone progesterone is generally known as the "pregnancy hormone", but it also fulfills other important tasks. Progesterone has a special effect on the brain, where it has a calming, occasionally somewhat fatiguing effect.

European Ayurveda® and the hormone balance

A lifestyle according to the teachings of European Ayurveda® offers a variety of approaches to balance your hormones and achieve a harmonious balance. Here you will find the most important aspects:

How your hormone balance can come into balance with European Ayurveda
Sufficient sleep gives your body time to regenerate.

Food for healing

In European Ayurveda®, nutrition with fresh, natural foods that suit your constitution plays a major role. Certain spices such as turmeric or ginger can have an anti-inflammatory effect and support your hormone balance. Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of herbs and oils to promote hormonal balance. Ashwagandha, Amalaki, or Shatavari are just a few examples of plants that can have a positive effect. Herbal preparations such as Shallaki or Neem can help to promote the balance of hormones and relieve discomfort.

Mindfulness and routine

Stress can have a significant impact on hormone balance. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can help you reduce stress and find your balance. Adhering to beneficial routines and regular sleeping and eating times can help you balance your hormones and increase your energy. Getting enough sleep gives your body enough time to regenerate and repair itself, and significantly boosts your well-being.

Gentle movement

When we exercise, the body is stimulated to produce and release hormones (for example, testosterone). That's why regular physical activity is so important to regulate hormone balance. Relaxing walks in nature or mindful yoga sessions mobilize and strengthen your body without putting it under excessive strain.

A healthy and balanced diet, stress reduction, regular exercise, adequate sleep and natural remedies - all these habits and actions are deeply rooted in the Ayurvedic "science of life" and can help to bring your hormones into balance. To give your body time to get back into harmony, we recommend the Balance Cures at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. Find out more here.

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