Make your dreams come true with a Vision Board!

How to create your vision board

Dreams give direction to your future. They are the sparks that ignite your inspiration and help you to achieve your goals. But how do dreams become reality? One effective way to manifest your goals and dreams is to create them with a vision board.

An important aspect of European Ayurveda® is mental clarity and purposefulness, because it can help you lead a fulfilling life. Besides a healthy body, a calm, focused mind is the most important foundation for holistic well-being. In Ayurveda, as in all other areas of life, it is important that your vision is in tune with your inner nature. A vision board reminds you every day of your personal desires and encourages you not to stray from the path.

Think about what goals you want to achieve.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a creative collage that can consist of images, text and symbols that represent your goals and dreams. It is a representation of your desires and ambitions. By making your goals visually available at all times, the board helps you strengthen your focus and remind you of your dreams every day.

How to create your vision board

  • Self-reflection: Take enough time to consider which goals and dreams you want to realize. What is really important to you - and which goals are you perhaps only pursuing because it is expected of you? Look deep inside yourself and record what your heart's desires are. Break them down into professional, personal, spiritual and health goals.
  • Determine format: Depending on your habits, you can create your vision board digitally or analog. If you choose the digital version, you can collect your sources of inspiration with different tools (e.g. Trello, Pinterest). It's best to choose a program that you already know how to use and that you enjoy. If you decide to use an analog vision board, you should first consider where you want to place it. Depending on the situation, you can use a pin board, a magnetic board or, for example, a poster on a wall in your home for your vision board.

Vision Board
Create your board intuitively.
  • Collect materials: Search analogously for photos, texts, colors and symbols that represent your goals. Maybe you already have some documents at home that inspire you? Magazines, postcards, photos, letters, etc. are great resources for clippings. If you work digitally, save inspirational content, videos or blog articles in the tool of your choice.
  • Design your board: Arrange the selected materials creatively and intuitively. Listen to yourself and work on your board until it feels right.
  • Place the board in a visible location: Hang your vision board in a place where you can see it every day. View it regularly and let the images and affirmations have an effect on you. If individual details or even entire areas are no longer coherent for you or you have reached this goal, change your vision board! Digitally you can set the board for example as the start page of your computer and be reminded of your visions every day.
  • Let your dreams become reality: Your vision board should give you confidence and determination and not put you under any pressure. But it can give you the push you need to overcome obstacles and keep going.

The idea of the vision board goes back to the "law of attraction". This states that positive thoughts and visualizations lead to reality shaping itself accordingly. By visually representing your goals and believing in them, you attract positive energy and manifest your dreams!

Want to pursue your goals more sustainably and find your purpose? Then discover your life code during an online consultation session with our Ayurveda expert Gaurav Sharma.

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