Why drinking warm water is so important in Ayurveda

Hands with water

Water is our elixir of life and plays a decisive role in our health. In Ayurveda, the temperature and quantity of water are particularly important. From an Ayurvedic point of view, you should only drink warm water. Why this is so and what wonderful effects drinking warm water has on your body and mind, we show you here.

Why does one drink warm water in Ayurveda?

The fact that water should actually be drunk warm has been known in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time and has therefore been practised for centuries. In Ayurveda, water is boiled and thus enriched with energy. The water molecules store this energy and then pass it on directly to our body when we drink the warm water.

Boiling purifies the water and changes its structure. Substances dissolved in the water, such as lime, are crystallised and evaporated. Ama, the metabolic residues that build up in the digestive tract, can be flushed away more effectively by warm water. The heat also supports Agni, the digestive fire, in its work. From an Ayurvedic point of view, you should generally never drink ice-cold water, as otherwise you will cause Agni to go out.

Drinking warm water instead of cold water is only a small change in your daily routine, but it has a great effect on your well-being. If you drink warm or hot water from now on, you will soon feel the positive effects.

What effect does drinking hot water have?

During the day and also at night, we constantly lose fluid. If our body is not supplied with enough drinking water, many physical and mental problems can arise. For example, fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, binge eating and heartburn can all stem from a lack of fluids.

However, your body will feel much better if you compensate for this deficiency with warm water instead of cold drinks. The effects that warm water has on your body increase your own sense of well-being and make you healthier and happier.

A glass of warm water in the morning dispels tiredness and compensates for fluid losses.

More vitality through pleasant warmth

Warm water can be a real kick-start in the morning because it dispels tiredness and awakens the spirits. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of hot water first thing in the morning to start the day healthy and fit. Its warming and gentle effect also makes up for the loss of fluids during the night.

You will not only feel the boosting effects of warm water in your everyday life, but also recognise it as a sign of vitality on your body. Your skin becomes more radiant and healthier and you look younger and fitter.

Hot water for better digestion

If the body gets too little or too cold water, Agni, our digestive fire, is only very weak and cannot develop its full effect. The body also has to work harder to digest cold water. We need a whole 6 hours to digest cold water. With boiled, warm water, on the other hand, it takes only 1.5 hours.

Hot water particularly stimulates Agni and supports it in digestion. This also makes it easier to remove deposited toxins, which brings the body pleasant relaxation and purification.

Lose weight more easily with boiled water

Drinking also plays a crucial role in losing weight. Because often when we feel hungry between meals, we are actually just thirsty. Warm water reduces the craving for snacks, because it has a calming effect and curbs hunger that is actually not hunger at all. In addition, hot water ensures better detoxification and fat burning and can therefore lead to pleasing results, especially when losing weight.

In Ayurveda, however, it is not only the temperature of the water that matters, but also when and in what quantities you drink. You can see what this means in detail here.

How should one drink water in Ayurveda?

Drinking enough water is important for a healthy and balanced life. But what exactly is sufficient depends on various factors. Constitution type, age, stress level and even the weather can have an influence on how much fluid you need. In our video you will learn how much water you should drink and how Ayurveda sees drinking during meals.

If you really want to do something good for your body, try an Ayurvedic hot water cure. You will achieve the best effects for your health and your general well-being. We show you the best way to do it.

Ayurvedic hot water cure: pleasant & healthy

You can do an Ayurvedic hot water cure several times a year. Spring is particularly suitable for this, because a lot of ama has accumulated due to the many and often heavy meals in winter. A cure should ideally last 7-10 days.

The procedure is quite simple. Boil water in an open saucepan on low heat for about 5-10 minutes. Then pour it into a thermos flask or carafe and drink a few sips of the warm water every 30 minutes throughout the day. However, be careful not to drink too much in the evening, because otherwise your digestion will be particularly busy during the night.

How hot and in what quantities you should drink the water depends entirely on your individual constitutional type. If you take certain differences of the doshas into account, you will give your body exactly what is best for it.

Pitta types: not too hot drinks

As you are a Pitta by nature, you should drink as much as possible. However, make sure that you do not drink water that is too hot, otherwise your Pitta heat will only increase, which is not good for you. Instead, drink lukewarm water to calm your fiery dosha. For a special kick, you can enrich it with fennel seeds, mint or clove.

Kapha types: drink less fluid

Kaphas store water more easily and therefore need less fluid than other types. So if you are a Kapha type, you don't need to drink as much throughout the day. In fact, because you store so much water, you should be careful not to become overhydrated. However, the water can be quite hot. You can add fresh ginger or basil to your drink for a little flavour explosion.

Vata types: drink a lot and hot

The cool vatas tend to be cold and dry and need plenty of warm fluids to warm up. Especially in winter, skin and mucous membranes dry out easily. As a Vata, you should therefore drink hot water to keep your body pleasantly warm. It is especially good for you if you add something oily like ghee and boil the water with liquorice.

As a general rule, pay attention to your body's needs and drink the water warm. Is warm water alone too bland for you? No problem! With a few tips you can spice up your Ayurvedic water a little.

Tip: Hot water with lemon

The warm water is especially healthy if you enrich it with a little lemon. It's delicious and doesn't require much effort at all. To make lemon water, simply heat a glass of water and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Make sure that the water is not too hot, so as not to destroy the important nutrients of the lemon.

Lemon water helps you to purify and cleanse your body , especially in the morning, while at the same time providing you with valuable vitamins. So you get an optimal health kick right in the morning to start the day well.

As you can see, switching to warm or hot water doesn't require much at all, but it has immense benefits for your health. Lemon water in the morning gives you an optimal start to the day and also boosts your digestion. By adapting your drinking habits to your dosha type, you will contribute even more to making your life more pleasant and vital.

Cover photo: © Samat - stock.adobe.com

What tricks do you know to make sure you drink enough? Tell us in a comment 
at the bottom of the page.

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