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Only when you are completely healthy can you develop your full life energy. With the holistic approach of Ayurveda, you ensure that both your body and your mind are refreshed and happy. What exactly health means in Ayurveda and what tips you can use from Ayurvedic healing when you are not feeling well, you can find out here.

When is a person healthy?

The question may sound a bit banal, but unfortunately we often take our health too little seriously. Because from our western perspective, being healthy usually means nothing more than the absence of illness. In Ayurveda, however, health means living in harmony with oneself and one's environment.

In the meantime, more and more people are also realising that health is something individual and therefore depends on one's own physical and mental condition. In Ayurvedic medicine, this holistic view has been successfully applied for thousands of years.

In concrete terms, this means that you are only really well when you live in contact and harmony with your inner self . So if you are mindful of yourself and feel and take into account your individual needs , you will live a balanced life and be well. In Ayurvedic medicine, an optimal state of health depends on several things.

In Ayurveda, we are only healthy when all doshas are balanced.

The doshas are balanced

We all have the three doshas Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

In each of us, however, one or more doshas are particularly pronounced, which results in our very individual constitutional type. It is therefore understandable that our susceptibilities to diseases are also quite different and depend above all on our own dosha type.

In principle, however, we are only completely healthy when all our doshas are balanced. We feel this balance not only on a physical level, but even on an emotional level.

Body and mind are one

Ayurveda is about promoting health rather than fighting disease. Ayurveda uses a holistic approach because body and psyche are inextricably linked. If your soul is not well, your body feels it too and cannot feel well.

To be truly healthy, you must learn to feel what it means when your body is in perfect balance. Only then can you pay attention in time to the signals that indicate something is wrong. If you don't pay attention to the right balance, you will get sick.

How do diseases develop from an Ayurvedic point of view?

Whenever your doshas are not balanced, you feel unwell. Soon you will also recognise the first signs of this. If you then simply ignore the needs that arise from this, you are not doing yourself any good and will eventually become ill. Illness is our body's way of showing us that we need to pay more attention to it.

How an imbalance of the doshas arises

There are different reasons why the doshas are not balanced. Our lifestyle and the way we use our senses have a big impact on body and psyche. The decisive factor for imbalance is excess. For example, if we perceive too much sensory stimulation that overwhelms us, this can be stressful and bring our doshas into disharmony. Excessive stress or a wrong, one-sided diet also disturb this balance.

The more we overstrain our body, the faster it makes us feel this strain. In Ayurveda, the development of illness is seen in six stages. Lisa explains in our video which stages these are and what you can do about them.

As you can see, there is still a lot you can do yourself, especially in the early stages, to regain more harmony and relaxation. Here are a few tips from Ayurvedic medicine that have a healing and beneficial effect on you.

Ayurveda: Health and Healing

From an Ayurvedic perspective, healing means restoring the harmony of body and psyche. An Ayurvedic practitioner takes into account all of your individual physical and emotional needs and puts together a therapy plan that is tailor-made for you. But you can also take care of your state of mind and health yourself, as a precautionary measure, in order to prevent illnesses from occurring in the first place.

How to promote your health

In Ayurveda, health is mainly related to nutrition. If you always take care to stimulate Agni, your digestive fire, your body will cope better with food and you will ultimately feel better. For this, it is especially important that you pay attention to a type-appropriate diet that is individually adapted to you.

Massage and gentle exercise can also be effective in preventing illness. If your body has been overstressed and you are already feeling the effects, there are of course things you can do to regain your balance.

What you can do when you are ill

A purification cure can help your consciousness to come to rest so that you can find your centre again. It also brings mental relief and provides deep cleansing and relief. With different meditation techniques , your mind can become calm again, which ultimately also leads to your body being healed.

However, since health and well-being in Ayurveda are primarily an individual matter, the balance of your doshas is also very important. If you do not feel well, it could be useful to balance your dosha.

Doing a dosha balance: this is how it works

Each dosha is responsible for different areas in our body. If one or more doshas are present in excess, this quickly leads to unpleasant symptoms. But with a few simple Ayurvedic dietary and health measures you can balance out this excess and increase your physical and mental well-being.

Too much Vata Dosha

A warm cup of ginger water is especially beneficial for Vata types. © pilipphoto - stock.adobe.com

The Vata dosha is mainly responsible for our mental and physiological activities. If you have too much Vata in your body, you will notice it in dry skin, constipation and/or sleep disorders. Do you feel particularly nervous and anxious? This can also be related to an increased Vata dosha.

Warming and easily digestible foods such as soups warm the cool Vata dosha and have a calming effect. A compote of sweet fruits or root vegetables is just as soothing as a warm cup of ginger water in the morning.

Ifpossible, reduce sources of stress and make sure you eat in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. If you also meditate regularly, you will feel yourself becoming calmer and more relaxed.

An excess of pitta dosha

Pitta regulates all transformation processes in our body, such as food breakdown, energy production and temperature regulation. Excessive pitta can be felt in the form of skin diseases , gastritis or migraine, or through heated emotions such as anger, hatred or jealousy. Therefore, avoid spicy and acidic food at all costs, as this only intensifies the fiery pitta dosha.

Instead, you should reach for cold and bitter foods to cool down your Pitta a little. Your main meal should be at lunchtime and preferably consist of a large portion of salad. Raw vegetables also dampen the Pitta dosha optimally. We also recommend a cool bath in the morning for a pleasant and long-lasting cooling.

Increased Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha produces strength and power and ensures a robust immune system, stability and healthy joints. If you are overweight, listless and mucousy in the head or chest area , it could be due to an excess of kapha. Excessive Kapha also leads to unhealthy attachment to things and people and creates greed and envy.

To balance your kapha dosha, you should definitely not consume too many cold, heavy and slimy foods such as cheese, meat or dairy products. Instead, try a light and stimulating diet with hot spices to revitalise your metabolism. Also skip unnecessary snacks and eat a little less in general. 1-2 cups of hot ginger water with a little honey is especially good for you now.

Ayurveda knows that it is important for your health to look at yourself and your natural needs. Your body intuitively knows what is good for it and what is not. If you are mindful and pay attention to your physical and emotional signals, you will increase your well-being and be in your centre. Then you fulfil all the prerequisites for leading a healthy and happy life!

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