Father's Day: Why European Ayurveda is not a "women's issue

Man gets massaged

Strong and sensitive at the same time, protective and relaxed, loving but sexy: While role and social images are constantly changing, many men are faced with the task of meeting all demands and at the same time not losing their own centre. Here, the teachings of European Ayurveda also show the "stronger sex" a valuable way to increase their own resilience and to live with full power in the here and now.
First of all: Thank you dear dads for always being there for us! Not only on Father's Day do we know how lucky we are to always have you by our side. As a rock in the surf, as a loving advisor and perhaps also sometimes critic, you accompany us on our way, through sunny but also dark hours. In the knowledge that we will always be there for you.

Create balance

Because even men cannot and do not always have to be strong. Physical strength and old beliefs ("don't be a weakling!") are often not enough to avoid losing one's compass at life's forks in the road. For this reason, it is not only beneficial but sometimes even necessary for men to consciously look inwards. And even if everything is going well, it is important to take a break from everyday life in order to strengthen one's own resilience.

The term resilience comes from the Latin "resilire" for to bounce off, to ward off. People with strong resilience are better able to cope with challenges and crises and suffer less damage when life does not go as planned. This psychological resilience helps us to cope better with negative influences and to achieve emotional maturity.

Strong with Selfcare

Self-esteem is important - whether you are a man or a woman.

We know what your everyday life is like: Deadlines, time and success pressures at work and in your free time. Men in particular seem to be expected to take every hurdle in their stride. Stereotypes have developed in our society that prohibit men from dealing too much with their own needs and feelings.

The holistic approach of European Ayurveda teaches us that body, mind and soul should be in harmony according to the individual constitutional type (expression of the doshas) so that we can develop in well-being. The traditional Indian teachings of Ayurveda are the key to being able to develop in self-love, self-respect and well-being in the Western-European world. The fact that we are allowed to live here is a gift! While we have many challenges to overcome, our lives also reveal a wealth of possibilities that we can use. Every day you have the chance to change your life. You can benefit from the power of nature and its gifts, because in our latitudes grows everything that is healthy, wholesome and above all good for our bodies. We live this holistic concept of European Ayurveda at EA Resort Sonnhof, so that our guests become the best version of themselves. This is completely independent of gender: You are the centre of attention! You are worthy of leading a balanced life. You are allowed to feel, you are allowed to be happy! Mental health does not come about through willpower, but through active engagement with oneself. This "self-care" can take a variety of forms: to build resilience, it is helpful to be sociable and strong in analysis, but also to have control over one's actions and emotional stability. Knowing what is good for your soul is, to put it bluntly, half the battle. Ayurvedic practices such as the determination of one's personal constitution, healthy nutrition, meditation and yoga, but also journaling and rituals support this process even more.

Well-being for women AND men

The fact that yoga and a conscious diet are predominantly attributed to women is a development that took its course in the 20th century, especially in Europe and the USA. But did you know that the physical practice of yoga was reserved for men and warriors in India? The asanas were supposed to make them strong and flexible for battle.
Just as this view of yoga has changed over the decades, men today can rediscover the ancient teachings with curiosity. Gentle strengthening and stretching at our expertly developed Sonnhof Spirit Yoga can help relieve back pain and other physical ailments. And European Ayurveda does not differentiate between genders, but only between the doshas. Within the framework of a cure, for example, excess Pitta energy, which is assigned to the prostate, can be brought into balance. An Ayurvedic lifestyle also makes an important contribution to the well-being of men at any age. Here at the resort, we cater to your needs. You can take time for yourself, get to know your own feelings and set goals for your life that will make it even more worth living and of higher quality.

Regular yoga sessions strengthen resilience.

Would you like to give yourself or your father an extraordinary gift this year? Then book a stay with us at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof. You can immerse yourself in the world of European Ayurveda together during a classic Pancha Karmatreatment or a strengthening regeneration treatment at our power place in the midst of the mountains and recharge your batteries with joie de vivre and energy.

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