Back to a new lightness: Detox cures for the home

Woman enjoys her life and smiles

All the to-dos on the list have been checked off, the flowers have been watered, the bookkeeping has been done, all the open issues at work have been settled. Now would actually be the right time to switch off. And yet there is no relaxation. Instead, your thoughts are spinning and inside you have the feeling that you are sitting on hot coals. The inner restlessness is compounded by physical problems such as bad skin or indigestion. And worst of all: insomnia or problems falling asleep. Does this sound familiar? In this article we have a few tips for you on how you can shift down a gear and break out of the hamster wheel of stress. Of course, you can also go the whole hog and book a detox treatment at the Sonnhof Ayurveda Resort. Here in the mountains you will find exactly the place of power that allows you to give your body the rest and regeneration it needs.

The power of toxic habits

Detox cures for the home also include putting the cell phone aside.
It is not easy to break old habits, such as simply switching off the smartphone.

Humans are creatures of habit and it is not easy to break many of our habits. But not every habit is really healthy for our body. Take, for example, our use of smartphones and other mobile devices. Be honest, how much time do you spend in front of a screen during the day? First checking social media and emails, texting friends, posting an Insta story, reading news, etc. We are in constant communication and interaction with the world. On the one hand, this is beneficial; on the other hand, it harms us because we have forgotten how to switch off. Do you find it easy to simply put your mobile phone down for several hours? You should ask yourself this question, because scientific studies prove it: Too much digital interaction not only damages your skin and your eyes, but above all your mind. You feel like you always have to be up to date, you constantly compare yourself with others and you forget to give yourself and your favourite people valuable offline time. Think about it!

And then there is the issue of stimulants. It's hard to do without them completely, and you don't have to. But here, too, you have to find a way to maintain a balance. You can find that out quite easily: Every time you reach for something or other, try to think about whether the next few minutes will really be a pleasurable experience. Not so much? Then leave it alone!

Ayurvedic Detox for the home

European Ayurveda is about bringing you back into balance with yourself with the help of various cures and programmes, such as the Pancha Karma cure, targeted yoga exercises, mediation, but also through targeted detoxification. In balance with yourself and your body and mind. It helps to find out which of your doshas is imbalanced. Our Ayurvedic doctors will also be happy to advise you on this during a consultation. They will also give you valuable tips on how to purify your body and mind at home or in your everyday life.

But we would like to present you with a few detox tips right here:

1. just time for you!

It's actually simple. Try to set up times when you are not available and do not look at your smartphone. Switch to flight mode. Just do it, nothing will happen to you! Use this time for yourself. Do some yoga, read a book or focus on something else that is good for you at that moment. You will notice how much these little time-outs during the day do you and your inner balance good.

Ginger is especially good for firing up Agni.

2. drink lots of water with ginger or lemon

It can be so simple, but it really works. That's a promise! Ginger has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years. The gnarled root ignites the digestive fire Agni and is therefore very helpful for physical purification. In other words: ginger really heats you up! Try drinking ginger water throughout the day: Cut a few pieces of ginger into small pieces, brew them with water and let the whole thing steep. Just pour yourself a glass every now and then. If ginger is not for you, then we can reassure you: In general, drinking water is very important to remove Ama, the residues of metabolic processes, from your body.

In summer, you can simply add a lemon to the water instead of ginger. This refreshes, but also has a cleansing effect. Drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water first thing in the morning.

3. eat consciously and in peace

Your grandmother must have told you: take your time when eating and chew well! European Ayurveda is about balancing your doshas. A very essential part is the diet - the food and the preparation. The Ayurvedic diet is a cleansing cure for yourbody. Instead of stuffing yourself with food, balance and enough rest between meals are important. Around two handfuls of a meal is quite enough to provide the body with enough energy. Eat the main meal at lunchtime, when your digestive fire is most active. Try to eat at set times and not too late. Your body needs the energy to digest the food.

Snacks are not really part of the Ayurvedic diet. If the cravings become too great, reach for a glass of water, tea, nuts or dried fruit.

Ayurvedic cuisine is very versatile and healthy! If you are in the mood for variety in the kitchen, we recommend our cookbook from the Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof with simple but very tasty recipes.

In our online shop you will also find spices and herbs to add zest to your culinary creations.

4. sleep is important

If you go to bed earlier, you will start the day more rested and relaxed.

To treat yourself to a little detox, we recommend that you consciously pay attention to certain sleeping times so that your body and mind can regenerate during this time. Although everyone has their own sleep rhythm, in Ayurveda the day is divided into different dosha times. It is scientifically proven that sleep before midnight is the most important. From 10 pm the Pitta time begins) . During this period we mentally digest everything that the day has brought us. Those who go to bed at this time are usually more rested and relaxed the next day. There should be as few artificial light sources as possible in your sleeping environment. Also try to avoid or reduce electrosmog, because it affects the quality of your sleep. Also your mobile phone.

As you can see, detox has not so much to do with doing without, but a lot to do with self-esteem. If you change just a few of your habits, you will quickly notice how good it is for you, your body, mind and soul. And the most important thing is that you feel really good!

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