Yoga for Vata - gentle movement for the king dosha

Ayurveda expert Elisabeth Mauracher sits in a yoga pose on a mat

The spring vibes whirl our bioenergies vigorously. Vata, the king dosha, is responsible for this. It awakens nature with a lot of power and strength and also sets our biorhythms in motion: the trees bud, animals awaken from hibernation and we also get down to our daily work with new energy. All these processes need a lot of energy and can push the bioenergetic household to its limits. Because strong energy quickly turns into stress, inner restlessness and restlessness.

That's why it's all the more important to bring Vata back to normal with routines, a healthy diet and enough sleep. Yoga for Vata in particular is a good way to bring the king dosha back into balance.

Yoga for Vata for inner peace

Do you often feel rushed? Can't you come down in the evening? Do you lack the energy for the day in the morning, but your mind is already spinning? Then you should try to regain your inner balance with yoga for Vata. We have three exercises for you that will help you:

A woman sits on a mat in the yoga posture Sukhsana with her legs crossed

The grounding seat - Sukhsana

Sit in a relaxed cross-legged position on your yoga mat. Direct your focus consciously to your spine. Make sure that it straightens more and more with each inhalation. With each exhalation let your shoulders drop down. Form the sign Chin Mudra with your hands: touch your index finger with your thumbs to form a circle. Place the back of your hands on your thighs and close your eyes. Try to breathe in and out more calmly and deeply with each breath. Focus your thoughts on yourself and your heartbeat, which becomes calmer and calmer.

A man sits with his legs crossed on a yoga mat and his upper body turned backwards

Twisted Light Pose - Parivrtta Sukhsana

You can easily do the next pose from the grounding seat. Place your right fingertips behind your buttocks on the yoga mat. Inhale deeply and straighten your spine. At the same time gently turn to the right. Place your right hand on your right knee. Look over your right shoulder and feel a gentle stretch in the centre of your body.

Cat - Cow: Chakravakasana

A woman is in a quadrupedal position on a yoga mat and makes a hollow cross

This exercise or asana begins in a four-footed position on the yoga mat. Look straight ahead. Exhaling round the back and lower the head - you are making a cat's hump. Inhale deeply and pull your belly button towards the floor and lift your chin. Your posture now resembles that of a cow. Flow in the rhythm of your breath from one movement to the other and consciously feel the energies in your back.

All exercises help you to release the root chakra, which is so important for Vata, and energy blockages. In addition, muscle strands are relaxed, which loosens the back. The quiet movements calm the mind and you can focus completely on the here and now. You get an extra portion of vitamins and helpful additives with our food supplement "inner balance", which you can buy in the shop.

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