Woman doing yoga exercises

Each chakra has a specific meaning for our body, mind and soul. The state of the chakras also represents the state of consciousness. The chakras are mirrors of our state of consciousness and show very clearly where we are and which issues and problems are pending and should be dealt with or looked at. Through them we can recognise any problems and blockages in our development. At the same time, we can significantly influence this development by working with the chakras, especially chakra meditation. Activation, opening, cleansing and healing of the chakras has a corresponding influence on our state of consciousness and spirituality.

The Chakra Meditation takes about 30 to 40 minutes, make sure you are not disturbed during this time. You can find a beautiful place in nature for this meditation or you can make yourself comfortable at home. For this, however, switch off all electronic devices and treat yourself to a time-out from everyday life.

When you are ready, sit or lie down, make yourself as comfortable as possible and close your eyes. Now turn your attention to the breath. Take a few deep breaths and feel the breath flow through your whole body, relaxing all your muscles and joints. While breathing, pay attention to your thoughts, which may still be running through your mind, but are becoming less and less important. You are now completely relaxed and ready for the chakra meditation:

  • Now gently direct your breath to the perineal area, the seat of your root chakra. Inhale and exhale, trying to release all tension in this area. Feel the energy field of your root chakra expand with each breath. Imagine long roots growing from your chakra into the ground and connecting you to the earth. Feel the stability and life force flowing to you from this connection. As your root chakra expands it shines in a red light, this light activates your 1st energy centre and gives you a feeling of security and safety.
  • Focus your attention on your sacral chakra, it is about a hand's breadth below your belly button. Feel consciously into this area, if you like you can place a hand on the lower abdomen. Breathe in and out deeply, take in pure life energy with full breaths. With each breath the warmth and energy of the sacral chakra flows through you. Now imagine that an orange light illuminates your 2nd chakra, this light spreads into your entire abdomen. It awakens your creativity and sensuality, you feel light and alive.
  • Place your focus on the 3rd chakra, located a hand's breadth above your navel. Breathe in and out in a relaxed way and let the breathing happen naturally in your own rhythm. Focus completely on your solar plexus, with each breath a yellow light expands into your solar plexus chakra. At first it shines in a bright yellow and then becomes increasingly intense, burning like a fire all your fears and worries. Let this light energy spread into your body, it connects you with your gut feeling. Feel how you come completely into your centre and glow from within.
  • Feel to your heart and your heart chakra, it is located in the centre of the chest and is also the centre of the 7 chakras. To connect with your heart energy, place your right hand on your heart, feel your breathing again and direct it towards your heart. Continue to breathe a few times and feel your heartbeat, observe your feelings and sensations. Imagine that your heart is now filled with a green light. You can strengthen this light by sending all your energies into your heart. The light expands more and more and love and compassion flow out of your heart. You are now connected to your heart energy. It opens the access to the universal love, you are full of trust and confidence.
  • Direct your attention to your throat chakra, it is located at the level of your larynx. Become aware of your breathing again and consciously breathe in and out, inhaling fresh air and exhaling old stale air. Feel how the air flows through your throat and cleanses it. The next time you inhale, let blue light shine into your throat, opening your throat to the truth. For with an open throat chakra, you can freely express your self and lovingly accept your flaws and weaknesses, you are authentic and unique.
  • Direct your focus to the 3rd eye, the area between your eyebrows, this is where your brow chakra is located. Become aware of your forehead space and let go of all tension here. Imagine your forehead is the sky and violet light expands, pushing away all your negative thoughts (clouds). The sky becomes clearer and brighter, but also your consciousness arrives fully in the here and now. Your forehead now feels pleasantly cool, your attention is directed inwards. You trust completely in your inner wisdom and recognise your spiritual being.
  • Now feel into the last chakra, the crown chakra, which is located at the crown of your head. Notice the space above your crown and let your energy flow there. Feel a bright clear light spreading from above your 7th energy centre, connecting you to the divine and your higher self. An inner peace can now spread within you, you feel blissful and blessed.

All your chakras are now open and glowing from within, feel your body as pure energy. Go through all the chakras again in peace, starting from the bottom. Feel into your root energy, how it grounds and supports you. Consciously feel into your sacral energy, which processes your feelings. Direct your attention again to the solar plexus, its energy shapes your thoughts. Feel your heart energy, it connects you to the higher love. Feel into your throat chakra, it supports you to speak from your soul. Feel to your forehead energy, it improves your conscious awareness. And finally, feel again to your crown chakra, it is the gateway to your higher self.

Feel for a moment, enjoy your relaxed body. You are pure energy, all your chakras are now activated. You are connected with the universe, you can call up this connection at any time when you feel stressed, unbalanced or without support. Breathe in and out deeply three times and start to move and stretch your body a little. Come back to the here and now.

Cover photo: © photo_mts - stock.adobe.com

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