The 4 best yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles

Yoga boat to strengthen the abdominal muscles

A strengthened abdominal musculature is central for a stable body center and a harmonized energy distribution. We have compiled 4 simple yoga exercises for you, with which you can specifically train your abdominal muscles. Also suitable for beginners!


Yoga for the abdomen: How to strengthen your core.

Your abdominal muscles are irreplaceable as support for the abdominal area. The spine and pelvis also rely on the stability of these muscles to protect the abdominal organs. Basically, this involves 29 important muscles that allow you the necessary mobility. Precisely because of these many different muscles, it is also clear that not just one yoga exercise can lead to success. Different muscle groups are always addressed. The pelvic floor muscles are also part of the abdominal muscles.

But what does it actually mean to strengthen your abdominal muscles? Basically, the body's center stands for courage, determination and self-confidence on the energy level. By activating your abdominal muscles, you also promote your inner energetic strength and find more stability. In addition, you protect your lower back from injury. A balanced energy in the center of your body is central, so that your navel center can harmonize the ascending energy (Prana Vayu), as well as the descending energy (Apana Vayu).


4 great yoga exercises for the abdominal muscles

First of all, the following is extremely important: Always perform the yoga exercises with bent legs! Very often the backs of your legs are shortened, and this ensures that you get the undesirable hunchback when stretching your legs. Therefore, you should always make sure to keep the curves of your spine as natural as possible, so as not to strain your intervertebral discs.

Exercise 1: The Boat Posture (Navasana)

  • Take a relaxed sitting posture, your back is long, spine neutral.
  • Now pull your shoulders back, away from your ears.
  • Your shoulder blade tips come together. This also provides back support.
  • Now lift your legs and bend them, the knees and ankles touching each other. This creates more center.
  • Now stretch your legs to the side and rotate your upper body. The arms are also moved.
  • Try to do this for one minute.
The boat trains all 4 layers of the abdominal muscles and is therefore particularly effective. © fizkes -

Incidentally, you can also combine this exercise with a twisting movement - this way you also train your lateral abdominal muscles:

  • You're back in the boat stance.
  • This time interlace your fingers behind your head. The knees remain drawn towards your body.
  • Your head is pressed into the palms of your hands and vice versa. In this way your cervical spine becomes long and your neck muscles are strengthened. You can also stretch your arms out to the side.
  • Exhale and turn to the right with from the center of the body.
  • With the inhale you turn back to the center, then with the exhale to the left.
  • You can do that as often as you like!

The boat pose trains all 4 layers of the abdominal muscles and is therefore a particularly popular yoga exercise.


Exercise 2: The board (Chaturanga)

This yoga exercise is on the one hand simple, but also wonderfully effective:

  • Tense your lower and upper body and hold the exercise for at least 5 long breaths. Preferably for as long as you can.
  • Now relax. Then repeat the exercise 3-5 times-

With it you strengthen both the abdominal and the back muscles.


Exercise 3: Four-footed stand Variation

With this exercise you intensify your training for abdominal muscles:

  • Kneel on your yoga mat with your hands flat on the floor.
  • Lift your right leg and extend it backward parallel to the floor.
  • Your spine is stable and long!
  • Find your body center and also stretch your left arm far forward.
  • With the exhalation you now pull your right knee and left elbow towards each other.
  • Breathe in and stretch your arm and leg away from you again.
  • Repeat this 8 times and then come back to the quadruped position.
  • Take a restful break and then practice on the other side.


Exercise 4: The sunrise

  • Lie down on your back.
  • The feet are placed hip-width apart and as close to the buttocks as possible.
  • Tighten your chin slightly - this will ensure a straight neck.
  • Your arms are next to your body.
  • Inhale and slowly raise the hips. The pelvic floor is tense.
  • Your arms come under the butt, because this supports the body tension.
  • Continue breathing calmly and hold the position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Again loosen and repeat this about 4 times.

The sunrise also strengthens the buttocks, as well as the muscles of the lumbar spine, and also relieves the pelvic floor.



Sunrise is good for the buttocks, the pelvic floor and the muscles of the lumbar spine. © fizkes -

Strengthening your abdominal muscles is extremely important to achieve a harmonious balance. Your abdominal muscles provide important stability in the abdominal area. Strengthened abdominal muscles are also essential for your spine and pelvis. They also protect your abdominal organs. Try our simple yoga exercises and harmonize the energy of your core!

Cover photo: © fizkes -

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