Yoga for pregnant women: the best tips and simple exercises

Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga for pregnant women is the perfect companion through your pregnancy. It helps you to get involved in this special experience - physically, mentally and emotionally. Yoga shows you what is good for your body and what you should rather avoid during this time.

Mamasté instead of Namasté

During the first trimester, the first three months of pregnancy, you should not practice yoga or only do gentle exercises. This is because many pregnant women in this phase have not yet developed the feeling of "being two", which, however, is the basis for a safe yoga practice. After all, during pregnancy you have to take care not only of yourself, but also of your unborn baby. However, yoga for pregnant women is an ideal sport.

Most pregnant women develop this awareness of their bodies fairly quickly and then move on to a gentler form of yoga, such as a prenatal class.

Even if you don't mind gaining a few extra pounds during pregnancy, any kind of exercise can be dangerous if the fear of weight gain drives you to the gym.

When attending a yoga class, you should keep the following things in mind:

  • You should never feel like you have to hold on - that could indicate overexertion. Pay attention to your breath, it should be able to flow calmly. As soon as it becomes difficult to take a deep breath, assume the child position. If breathing exercises are performed, skip the periods of holding your breath and continue to breathe calmly.
  • Avoid all exercises that squeeze or twist the abdomen. This includes especially abdominal exercises like the boat and extreme twisting postures.

The second trimester is often described as the most beautiful. Morning sickness subsides, the pregnancy is clearly visible externally, and the baby shows itself through the first movements. During these months, many pregnant women are full of energy, which is perfect for practicing various forms of yoga.

Yoga during pregnancy is not only good for you, but also for your baby.

However, there are some taboos for the yoga class:

  • No exercises in the prone position
  • No jumping exercises
  • No turning exercises to the closed side (i.e. for example to the side of the bent leg).

From the third trimester onwards, your belly will get bigger every day and you may have to deal with heartburn, water retention and shortness of breath. At this point, it is especially important to stop doing inverted postures, as your body's center of gravity has shifted significantly.

Especially towards the end of pregnancy, anxiety can occur in addition to physical discomfort. Meditations and breathing exercises like Brahmari can help you calm your thoughts and emotions.

The best asanas for pregnancy

Your body will signal how long you can practice yoga during pregnancy. If it feels good, you can do yoga exercises until you give birth. Here are some of the best asanas for pregnancy:

Viparita Karani - the gentle shoulder stand

This exercise helps with thick legs and has a preventive effect against varicose veins. It improves blood circulation to the head and increases brain power.

Yoga during pregnancy is not only good for you, but also for your baby. © photominus21 -

This is how it works:

  • Assume the supine position and place a pillow or blanket under your buttocks if needed.
  • Stretch your legs upward and feel your upper body on the floor.
  • Hold the position for 5 - 10 breaths.
  • This exercise strengthens your sense of balance.


This is how it works:

  • Stand on the mat and focus on getting a firm footing.
  • Lift your right foot and pull it to the inside of your left thigh.
  • Put your hands together in front of your chest.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.


The cat

This exercise loosens your back muscles, legs and improves the mobility of the spine. It also promotes blood circulation and stimulates detoxification of the body.

This is how it works:

  • Come into a quadruped stance with a straight back.
  • Lift one leg while inhaling and hold it.
  • Try to keep your back straight and not to fall into a hollow back.
  • Lower the leg again on the exhale and repeat the exercise with the other leg.


Dog looking down

This asana is very well known and should not be missing from any class. For many it is one of the most relaxing exercises in yoga practice.

Dog looking down

This is how it works:

  • Start in quadruped stance with hands and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • As you exhale, bring your hips up so that your arms and legs are fully extended.
  • Pull the shoulders away from the ears and gently stretch the heels to the floor.
  • Hold the position for about 20 seconds.


With yoga, you can not only stay fit and flexible during pregnancy, but also experience and enjoy this special phase of life more consciously. It helps you to relieve your back and joints, and through the interplay of physical exercises, breathing exercises and meditation you can gently alleviate pregnancy discomfort. Yoga for pregnant women is a wonderful way to connect with yourself and your baby.


Cover photo: © fizkes -

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