Yoga for Pitta - How to bring your Pitta into balance

Yoga for Pitta

Pitta belongs to the three doshas in Ayurveda, along with Kapha and Vata. These are the three bio-energies that are pronounced differently in each person and decisively determine their individuality. Pitta consists of the elements fire and water and is responsible for our metabolism and digestion. In life, it stands for transformation and change. Because the fire element is dominant in the pitta dosha, pitta types are passionate in everything they do. They have fiery personalities, are hands-on, know what they want and have an affinity for speed, challenges and stress. So much passion is nice, because it is the fuel for creativity and diversity. With too much Pitta, however, the feelings can sometimes turn into the opposite. If you are a type with too much Pitta, you can become very irritable or aggressive. You will become restless, sleep less well and quickly notice that you are not in balance with yourself. Do you recognise yourself in this description? By the way, in our online Dosha test you can find out which Dosha type you are.

Simple yoga exercises bring your Pitta into balance

To cool down your hot temper, you can help yourself with Yoga for Pitta. Proven yoga breathing exercises in particular will help you to relax, slow down and also "cool down" in the literal and figurative sense. The asanas and pranayamas are simple, pleasant and can be easily integrated into your daily work routine. Get your mat and try it out right away!

Shitali Pranayama - the cooling breaths 

The name speaks for itself. With this breathing exercise you dampen your fire so that you don't burn yourself. It helps you cool down your body and your mind. If your aggression level is skyrocketing and the heat is already getting to your head, do the following:

Yoga for Pitta - Breathing exercises help you find your balance
  • Sit cross-legged in an upright position (a chair works in the office too).
  • Lift your head a little, roll your tongue into a groove and stick it out to your lips
  • Now you inhale the air audibly hissing through the rolled lip
  • Hold your breath for about 5 seconds
  • Now close the mouth and exhale through the nose, lowering the head back to the normal position.
  • You can now repeat this exercise up to 15 times. 

Murccha Pranayama - harmonises your Pitta and gives you peace

Another beautiful Yoga for Pitta breathing exercise that is made to bring your Pitta into the right balance and is equally pleasant and comfortable in everyday work. This asana focuses and helps you to breathe in a concentrated and above all conscious way. There are several variations of this exercise or levels of intensity. As Pitta types tend to aim higher and higher, it is important to listen to your body in each exercise, stay natural and don't do anything that is uncomfortable for you. Here we go

  • Once again assume a seated position, keep the back straight
  • Now inhale with the intensity you need, directing your attention to your brow chakra.
  • Hold the air for a few seconds (about 4) and then slowly exhale the air completely for about twice as long. Let go of everything mentally and physically
  • Now inhale again and intensify the exhalation by breathing out even longer.
  • You repeat this process, each time trying to lengthen the exhalation.
  • But avoid putting any pressure on yourself. It is not about exhaling the air for as long as possible, but about getting into a relaxed mode. The more relaxed you are, the more enjoyable the exhale will be.

Tea Time for your Pitta with the Ayurvedic Spice Tea Blend

After these asanas you are guaranteed to feel better, more relaxed and able to look at things with more calm and balance. You may get a new perspective on the things that are bothering you and have unbalanced your Pitta. Feel this moment longer, make yourself a delicious Ayurveda tea and listen to your inner self. By the way, our Ayurvedic spice tea blend PITTA is just the right thing for your after-yoga me-time. Yoga is a gentle, conscious and loving way to get to know yourself and helps you to bring your body and mind to a new spiritual level.

A yoga retreat at the European Ayurveda Hotel Sonnhof is a beautiful gift to yourself and your loved ones. With guided sessions that strengthen your mind and musculoskeletal system, you will find your inner peace and take it with you to a new, more positive life.


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