Menopause still has rather negative connotations in our western civilisation. It is associated with ageing, loss of libido and less performance. Confronted with this mindset, the psychological burden is added to the mix. The menopause marks a change, and indeed the body undergoes hormonal changes. The associated complaints are different for every woman, some feel them strongly, others not. In Ayurveda, the menopause is a change in the dosha phases. However, it is important that you can do a lot of good for your health and well-being with Ayurveda as a preventive measure against menopausal complaints.
Menopause: the change of dosha phases
In Ayurveda, the three bioenergies are assigned Kapha, Pitta and Vata are assigned to certain phases of life. Thus, childhood is determined by the Kapha phase, because growth is the main focus here. Afterwards, the active phase of Pitta begins, which then transitions into the Vata phase. The menopause marks exactly this transition from the Pitta to the Vata phase. And this can bring discomfort and also changes. As is not otherwise interpreted in conventional medicine, these are pronounced differently in every woman and everyone perceives the menopause differently. But if you know which dosha type you are, you also know approximately which symptoms, in the sense of illnesses or complaints, you are confronted with. And this knowledge, in turn, can help you to get a preventive grip on the menopause.
Working preventively with Ayurveda against menopausal symptoms
Simplified, one can say the following: What is typical for your constitution before menopause will probably increase during menopause. It is therefore important to create a preventive balance. To do this, your individual constitution must be determined. If you now know which Dosha type you are, you also know which complaints are characteristic for this Dosha. On this basis you can counteract these symptoms by means of therapies or treatments as well as with your diet. The mindset also plays a very important role. For example, your attitude towards the menopause. If you accept it as part of your journey and development as a woman, instead of judging it, you can better engage with it. It is important that you always approach therapies with professional help so that you can get the best possible results and choose the right treatments.
Kapha types in the menopause
Even though the menopause is rather determined by the change from the Pitta life phase to the Vata life phase, there are of course also women whose Kapha bioenergy is more pronounced. Typical Kapha symptoms in the menopause are a certain sluggishness, listlessness and a tendency to accumulate water. Kapha ladies become more sluggish, sensitive and more likely to crave something sweet, which in turn promotes weight gain because digestion slows down. In addition, the skin becomes oilier. In the diet, Kapha types should therefore rely heavily on Spices and eat rather dry and warm food. Metabolism-stimulating massages that promote blood circulation, such as the silk glove massage, and regular exercise can also counteract the typical Kapha symptoms.
Pitta types in the menopause
Women with pronounced pitta dosha are fiery personalities who are unlikely to really freeze even in winter. They carry the heat within them, which also influences the digestive fire. So the metabolism is stimulated, food is digested faster, which also means more food has to be taken in. Through the menopause and the transition into the Vata phase, these Pitta traits are intensified or also changed. Pitta types can actually eat more without gaining weight due to the hot digestive fire, but the transition could change this. So you can suddenly gain weight if your food intake remains the same. The hot flushes often mentioned with menopause are typical Pitta symptoms. Followed by sweating and skin irritation and redness. The excess fire also leads to irritability and aggressiveness. For this reason, cooling spices and foods are very good for providing balance. Bitter spices and salads are especially recommended. Cooling herbal massages can also help to balance your Pitta.
Vata types in the menopause
Vata marks the life phase of the menopause. No matter what your constitution, Vata dosha increases in all women during this phase. If you are already a Vata type, your symptoms will most likely increase during menopause. Typical symptoms are dryness, e.g. dry skin, brittle hair, dry mucous membranes. Mood swings, which can manifest as restlessness, anxiety and listlessness, are also common, as are osteoporosis and back pain. You can counteract the physical and mental fluctuations of Vata very well with consistency and structure. This means that with regularities in your daily routine, such as regular meals and exercise sessions always at the same time of day, you can bring in a certain calmness. Since Vata types tend to lose weight, substantial meals are very important. Counteract dryness with oil massages and rather liquid and juicy food.