Strengthen your immune system in spring with European Ayurveda®.

Strengthen your immune system in spring with European Ayurveda®.

In spring, all signs point to renewal: in nature, plants grow and blossom, animals awaken from hibernation, new life emerges everywhere. From the perspective of European Ayurveda®, we humans must now shed the old in order to be able to develop our greatest potential with full strength and a healthy immune system.

Welcome spring! The birds are chirping, more daylight gives you energy and the warmer temperatures do your mind and body good. At the same time, the weeks between March and June are characterized by contrasts: sunshine is followed by rain and cool winds, and after waking up refreshed in the morning, you often feel the famous spring fatigue in the afternoon. Colds, colds and a weak immune system are not uncommon. Your body is in transition between old and new - and you can help it to master this transition optimally!

In European Ayurveda®, spring is the time when Kapha energy - still - predominates. Kapha is the earth dosha and stands for the heaviness, sluggishness and coldness we feel in winter. We often take this baggage with us from the cold season and still feel weak, listless and tired at the beginning of spring. The good news is that holistic Ayurvedic teachings provide us with tools for all areas of life to overcome this inertia:

Support the immune system with Ayurvedic nutrition

Ayurveda is not only about balancing mind and body, but also about living in harmony with nature. Spring provides you with exactly the foods you need now to strengthen your immune system and rid yourself of excess Kapha. Seasonal vegetables such as asparagus, wild garlic and spring onion naturally contain valuable bitter substances that detoxify the body and remove harmful waste products.

Even if the desire for fresh and uncooked dishes is now slowly coming back, it is advisable from the point of view of Ayurvedic nutritional teachings to enjoy as many foods as possible cooked or steamed. For example, instead of a fresh salad, choose a warm version with chicory and nuts. Or refine your warm meal with fresh spring herbs such as dandelion, nettle or daisies! In general, avoid hard-to-digest foods like meat and dairy products and try to include plenty of easy-to-digest items like whole grains and legumes in your diet. Make sure you also drink enough tea and boiled, warm water. Or treat yourself to a strengthening detox shot for a change, which additionally boosts the immune system.

Walking barefoot strengthens the immune system in spring.
Take off your shoes and feel the grass tickling the soles of your feet.

Boost the metabolism

After months of retreat, you feel like spending time in the garden again, taking walks in the fresh air and getting more exercise? That's good, because that's exactly what your body needs now to stay balanced and healthy. Take advantage of the warm spring sun as often as possible to get some light and strengthen your immune system. If the temperature allows it, take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the fresh grass. Do you feel your inner child? Enjoy these moments consciously!

An Ayurvedic massage in spring also activates the metabolism and your immune system. Reward yourself with a soothing Garshan - silk glove massage, which activates the lymphatic flow, improves blood circulation and increases your performance.

Become active and balanced with yoga, meditation and pranayama

Mindful movement, concentration and conscious breathing help you now to connect with your inner world in spring and make it bloom like nature. Activating pranayama breathing exercises such as kapalabhati ( = "fire breathing") stimulate the metabolism and thus help to better eliminate toxins and waste products from the body.

Strengthen your immune system with meditation and pranayama
A regular meditation practice has a positive effect on your nervous system.

For fire breathing, come to a comfortable seat on the floor and in a first step exhale with pressure over the nose, as if you want to blow something away. Now inhale deeply through the nose and exhale with pressure through the nose as you just did. The next inhalation occurs automatically through the jerky exhalation. Immediately after that, exhale again with pressure. Your abdomen will begin to move as a result of the breathing technique. Consciously control this alternation of pulling in and relaxing. Inhale and exhale about 10 times before returning to your natural breathing. Feel how your body feels after the fire breath.

Space for calm and mindfulness

In your yoga practice, be sure to increase your practice of twists and heart openers (backbends) in the spring, which open the chest and support the lungs. Twisting your core helps stimulate metabolism and eliminate toxins. Even though everything seems to be in motion in spring, don't forget to listen to yourself and take a step back to consciously look inward. Regular meditation not only improves your concentration and attention, but can also lower blood pressure and strengthen your immune system and heart.

You want to use the spring to start anew with an Ayurveda cure? Then find out about the various cure offers at the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof and start your journey to yourself!

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