Smoking in all situations

A bowl of incense for smoking

Christmas time is a magical time. The year is slowly coming to an end, big and small are expecting Christmas Eve and slowly but surely the first plans for the new year are being made. At this time, many families have the custom of bringing the Christmas spirit into their rooms with incense. Do you do the same? Incense is an ancient tradition and ritual that is anchored in many cultures around the world. The use of incense is only one possibility. Today we would like to give you a few tips on what else you can use for incense and above all - how it works properly.

The power of the sacred smoke

In European Ayurveda, incense is one of the rituals to cleanse the body, mind and soul, but also the environment of negative energies. Smoking plays an important role not only in Ayurvedic teachings, but also in Christian thought and Tyrolean customs. Perhaps you have heard of the " Rauhnächten ". These are the nights between the years from Christmas Eve to 6 January, Epiphany. In some calendars, 21 December, the winter solstice, is also given as the start of the Rough Nights. They are said to have a particularly strong energy that helps us to cleanse and free ourselves from old ballast. Accordingly, detox cures are very effective during this time.

The incenses are meant to help let positive energies into the aura, environment and into the body, mind and soul. For the ritual itself, different resins and herbs are used - depending on the purpose they are supposed to fulfil. The best-known resin is probably frankincense. Already in ancient India, incense was used in religious and purifying rites. The aromas are said to have healing and calming powers. Perhaps you have already noticed it yourself: the scent of frankincense during Advent often has a calming and positive effect on your mood.

The right herb for your needs

Even though incense is the most well-known resin used, there are of course several other herbs and woods that you can use for incense.

Lavender: Dried lavender already has an excellent scent. If you burn the flowers with incense, the scent becomes even more intense. It calms the mind and lowers stress. This is why lavender is suitable for excess Vata.

Sage supports the powers of the Kapha doshas.

Sage: Sage, or white sage, has been used since the Middle Ages to dispel bad energies. This is why the herb is also a good regional substitute for incense. The purifying and invigorating power of sage is also good for the Kapha dosha.

Yarrow: In midsummer, the plant is in full bloom. It is also suitable as an ingredient for teas. Dried yarrow can also be used for incense. As a summer plant, the blossom carries a lot of light energy. This invigorates and warms, especially in the dark winter months, and promotes the pitta dosha.

Take your time when you start incense burning. Light the charcoal and the incense material and consciously let the scents take effect on you. If you like, you can do a meditation. You will see that it will do you a lot of good.

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