Learning to let go with the help of meditation

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We all carry negative thoughts around with us from time to time. But if you find it particularly difficult to let go of a certain issue and make room for good feelings, meditation can be very helpful. Through meditation you learn to consciously accept that some things simply cannot be changed. It's worth a try, isn't it?


Why letting go is important

There are undoubtedly many reasons that call for definitive letting go. A failed relationship, conflicts with oneself, feelings of guilt, situations from the past, the ending of a certain phase of life or a death - it is human that all these things do not simply pass us by without leaving a trace. But that is precisely why it is also important to learn to let go.


What does letting go actually mean?

First things first: letting go of something does not mean automatically erasing all the positive memories associated with it. Letting go does not mean suppressing bad thoughts with all your might.

Letting go is simply about making space for something new and increasing your self-esteem. When you can let go, it gives you the beautiful certainty that you are enough for yourself and not dependent on anything or anyone.


What happens if we don't let go?

You might ask yourself why it is so important to let go. Well, if you can't stop thinking about a person, a situation, etc., it weighs you down.

If you cannot let go of something, it can lead to psychological stress and even depression, among other things.


At first subconsciously and at some point perhaps even in everyday life, for example by having sleeping disorders, panic attacks, depression or tantrums.

The longer you carry the depressing thoughts around with you, the more burdensome they become.


What does it help to let go?

You can only get light-heartedness, contentment and the freedom to develop yourself if you consciously leave your ballast in the past.

Letting go is nothing other than accepting that certain feelings are there or things have happened in the past that you can no longer change. If you let go, you no longer judge, but look at and recognise the conditions. This is exactly the point you can reach with meditation.


Learn to let go with these meditative exercises

Letting go through meditation - how exactly does that work? If you are willing to take a few minutes just for yourself on a regular basis, it's not that hard! Here you will find instructions for the first steps, but this much in advance: don't worry, you can't do anything wrong.


Before the meditation

Before you start meditating, you should know that meditation is not an exercise that has to be done in a certain fixed order.

Before meditation, you should be clear about what you want to let go of.

Actually, meditation is rather the path apart from all exercises: You ask yourself who you are when you are fully yourself.

It is definitely not a compulsory exercise that has to have a certain result.

If you want to learn to let go through meditation, you should first become aware of what you actually want to let go of. Is it a situation? A person? A way of behaving? A cycle of thoughts that you can't break out of?

Now you know your focus and are ready for meditation.

Find a comfortable position. Sitting, standing or lying down - the decision is entirely up to you. The only important thing is that your spine is upright and the environment is as calm as possible.


How do you let go with the help of meditation?

When meditating, you have several possibilities to try to let go. Breathing plays a big role: take a deep breath and exhale stressful thoughts. Do this conscious breathing for as long as you like and you will feel how you let go step by step. Keep your eyes closed and notice every single emotion that goes through your head and stomach.

You can also start to repeat a mantra. This can be a single word, for example simply "let go", but also a sentence: "I am now ready to let go of everything that prevents me from following my authentic path in life". Of course, any other mantra is equally welcome - after all, there is no "template" for the letting go meditation!

If you want, you can also try visualisation: write down what is weighing you down and consciously let go of the piece of paper. You can burn it, crumple it up and drop it, wrap it around a stone and throw it into a river... The important thing is that you consciously release what is holding you back.

In our video you will find a guided meditation in which the individual elements are combined. You can repeat this sequence as often as you like or extend the phases as you feel comfortable. Even one meditation session can be helpful. However, please be aware that meditation can only really work if you return to it again and again.


How do you know you are letting go properly?

The beauty of letting go through meditation: there is no right or wrong. It's all about accepting everything that happens. By the way, this also includes acceptance if you, as a meditation beginner, don't really want to believe yourself yet. That's all right, and why should you try to do anything about it?

You can let go when you realise: There are no bad feelings. There are only suppressed emotions that only get worse as a result. In meditation you accept the conditions as they are. This is the key to letting go of everything that weighs you down. All this may sound a little abstract, but if you just try it, you will soon realise that you can learn to let go!

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