Woman doing yoga exercises

For the heart meditation you should take about half an hour. Make sure that you are not disturbed during the meditation. A quiet place in nature or at home is recommended. When you are ready, make yourself comfortable lying or sitting down.


Heart Meditation Guide

Close your eyes and turn your attention inwards.

Concentrate fully on your breathing and observe for a while how your breath flows calmly and evenly in and out through your nose.

Try to relax, let all your bones, muscles and joints become loose. Your whole body is now allowed to completely relax and let go.

Then place a hand on your heart area and direct your attention there. Feel your own heartbeat, how it beats rhythmically and supplies your body with fresh blood. Feel into your heart, breathe in and out in a relaxed way and connect completely with your own heart energy.

Imagine how a beautiful, radiantly bright light spreads from your heart into all the cells of your body. Feel how warm your heart becomes and how the light spreads further and further within you. As the healing light flows through your heart, say to yourself inside: "I am lovable.

Repeat the sentence again and feel into your heart. Can you say these words with conviction? Can you fully accept this truth?

Feel into your body and feel if there is any resistance or doubt in you. What feelings come up in you? What prevents you from accepting this truth? Are there perhaps old hurts and disappointments that still affect you?

Feel into your heart. You are worth being loved - on all levels! Allow yourself to love and accept yourself as you are.

Observe your breathing and with each inhale take the resistance with you, letting go of a bit of it on the next exhale.

Repeat this breathing technique a few times and feel the sense of relief. Once you have let go of the obstacle or doubt, return your attention to your heart area and say to yourself a few times, "I am lovable".

First say it in your mind, then repeat it aloud. Speak the words with conviction from your heart. Open your heart to love yourself.

The heart meditation helps you to open your heart and find love for yourself.

Feel the feeling of happiness that comes over you more and more. It radiates from your heart into all parts of your body. Your whole body rejoices, you have only been waiting to realise this truth. Let a smile arise from your heart and send it through your whole body, into every cell, no matter how small.

Deep in the centre of your being bubbles an infinite spring of love. Allow this love to rise to the surface. Let this love fill your whole heart, your body and your thinking, your consciousness and innermost being.

Open your heart wide. Let the streams of radiant light and love flow.

Lie in this feeling of happiness for a while and enjoy it. Be happy that you have opened yourself to love. If you want to be loved, first give yourself love - and you will receive it back a thousandfold from others. Love is pure joy in being.

Enjoy this moment as long as you like. It is a gift to you. When you are ready, open your eyes, feel good and take the loving feeling with you into the day.

When you feel in your daily life that you are about to lose it, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, and say to yourself, "I am lovable. " Because that is the truth.
Feel free to repeat the following affirmations over and over again:

I am at peace with myself and with life.
I can now let go of the past in love.
I am grateful for my wonderful inner peace.
I am completely in my center.
I love myself and therefore I meet all people lovingly.
Spreading love creates a feeling of well-being in me, it is an expression of my inner joy.
Everything I need in my life I receive at the right time.
I am joyful in life, this is reflected in my health.
The power of my thoughts brings balance and harmony back to my body.
My life is wonderful.

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