Healing Stones in European Ayurveda

One hand holds a healing stone

Have you ever heard of the power of healing stones? These are special rocks and minerals that are said to have certain energies. In European Ayurveda we believe that these energies can help treat various ailments. Healing stones are of course no substitute for medical use or the advice of a doctor. If you have health problems, you should always seek a professional opinion. Ayurvedic applications and energy work, however, can help you to strengthen your body, mind and soul.

What are healing stones?

Do you like wearing jewellery? The aesthetics, shine, shape and colour of various minerals and gemstones have always fascinated people. They have been made into jewellery and sometimes have a high value. In Ayurvedic teachings, however, stones are also often used to support bioenergies. The so-called healing stones are said to be charged with certain energies. They can help to calm the doshas and alleviate various psychological and physical complaints. For example, you can use healing stones for inner restlessness, stress, digestive problems or sleeping problems.

You can place healing stones in your environment. Place them in places where you are often, such as the desk at your workplace, on your bedside table or in the living room. The energies should contribute to your well-being. You can also wear the healing stones as jewellery around your neck.

For internal use, it is advisable to put the stones in a carafe of water from which you drink the water during the day.

In order for the healing stones to retain their energetic effect, you should "charge" them regularly. In Ayurvedic teachings, it is assumed that sunlight or moonlight have particularly strong energies that you can use to charge the healing stones. Place the stones in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to energise them.

The right healing stones for your Dosha

As already mentioned, healing stones can support and balance the bioenergies. Do you already know which constitutional type you are? You can find out in our online test. The pulse diagnosis is even more precise.


Emerald calms the Vata dosha.

The dosha for activity, change and movement is closely connected to the nervous system and creativity and life energy. Rubies have a positive influence on Vata. Their energies have an invigorating and vitalising effect. In case of inner restlessness and stress, the calming energies of emerald are helpful. Excess Vata in particular can be lowered by the green gemstone.


Rose quartz has a good effect on Pitta.

The fire dosha Pitta brings temperament, warmth and heat into your life. The digestive fire Agni is influenced by Pitta as well as your emotions and self-confidence. Irritability and digestive problems are a sign that this bioenergy is not quite in balance. Rose quartz, which is also called "love stone", helps with emotional imbalances such as lovesickness or mood swings.
Moonstone has a calming effect on Pitta. It is said to have a hormonal balancing effect and to help with inner dissatisfaction.


Opal helps you to balance Kapha.

The bioenergy Kapha stands for calmness, stability, strength and balance. The respiratory system, but also inner stability and the immune system are influenced by the dosha. Daily routine is particularly good for Kapha people. With too much Kapha, however, stability can quickly turn into sluggishness. Then the digestive fire Agni does not function as well as usual. Opal is the healing stone that brings Kapha back into balance. It radiates warmth and is said to make the inner fire glow again.
Another stone is garnet, which strengthens Kapha. With a weak libido, a sluggish digestive system and inner tension, the healing stone is said to help release the blockages.

You see, there are a lot of different healing stones that can support you on your way to becoming a better version of yourself. Nevertheless, you should take care of all the components in your daily life. A healthy diet, exercise and a daily routine will help you feel your best.

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