Morning rituals in European Ayurveda - detoxification for body, mind and soul

Morning rituals

The morning is a powerful time of day and sets the course for the rest of the day. In European Ayurveda® we use the morning hours to bring our doshas into balance or to keep them in balance. Gentle balance is also created through rituals that give direction to the mind and body. In Ayurveda, there is generally a lot of focus on gentle daily cleansing. Detoxification is not only good for your well-being, but also strengthens your health. In this way we avoid a strong accumulation of toxins in the body. Especially overnight, a lot of metabolic residues can accumulate, which we try to eliminate in the morning. Not only on a physical level, but also on a mental level. That is why the morning is a powerful time in Ayurvedic healing. We detach ourselves from the old and concentrate on the new with an open mind.

Why should I do a detox?

You can do a detox at any time. It helps you to free yourself from old ballast, but also toxins and indigestibles. In this way you support your health, but can also bring your energy balance into balance. Too many waste products - called Ama - have a negative effect on your bioenergies. That is why it is recommended to do a detox cure at home every now and then. In this way, you not only get the detoxification of your body going, but also create new space for yourself. The following are a few tips on what you can do for yourself in the morning.

1. tongue scrape

The condition of the tongue, or more precisely the texture and coating, can help you to assess your health or your current physical constitution. In Ayurvedic and Western medicine, tongue coatings are considered to be waste products and toxins excreted by the body. If you remove these coatings regularly with a tongue scraper, you also remove residues and bacteria. In the long run, you will prevent bad breath, have fewer gum infections and improve your sense of taste. You also do something good for your digestion.

And this is how it works:

  • You can find special tongue scrapers in our online shop, but you can also use a teaspoon.
  • Place the scraper at the back of the tongue (be careful not to place it too far back or you will get an unpleasant gag reflex!) and pull it gently several times to the tip of the tongue.
  • In between, you can briefly hold the scraper under running water to clean it. Then rinse your mouth thoroughly several times.

2. oil pulling

Morning Ritual Oil Pulling
Morning rituals can include self-massage and oil pulling.

Oil pulling is a very simple method for daily detoxification that is used in both naturopathy and Ayurvedic medicine. In both healing teachings, it is assumed that one can detoxify the organism via the oral mucosa. In Ayurveda, the oral cavity is part of the digestive tract, where toxins from the digestive tract collect, especially overnight, when we do not swallow, drink or produce saliva regularly. These are responsible for bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth, among other things. Therefore, in addition to brushing your teeth, the rest of your mouth should also be cleaned thoroughly every day.

And this is how it works: Put a tablespoon of organic sesame oil, organic coconut oil or organic sunflower oil (go to our shop here) in your mouth - preferably in the morning directly after getting up on an empty stomach. Swish back and forth in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes. It feels a little strange at first, but you will get used to it. The oil-saliva mixture becomes thinner and thinner in your mouth and turns white. Then you can spit out the oil, preferably in a paper handkerchief, so that the oil, together with the toxins and bacteria, does not get into the water cycle. Then simply throw the tissue into the household waste.

3. a glass of water in the morning

A carafe of water enriched with lemons. This is perfect for detoxification.
A glass of water with mint or lemon in the morning is good for the start of the day.

Drinking water is an important morning ritual not only in European Ayurveda. Whether morning or evening - (lukewarm) water immediately after waking up is an essential ritual in every healing tradition to get the body going. If you like, mix with a squeeze of fresh lemon or various medicinal herbs in your glass. In summer, of course, we are big fans of fresh mint or lemon balm, which grows in our garden at Sonnhof. And why not cold water? It's simple: after getting up, our digestive fire, our Agni, is not yet burning at full speed. If we consume a cold liquid, digestion is not stimulated but slowed down. Your body has to use more energy to bring the water to the internal body temperature. Therefore, warm water is much better tolerated. 

4. let the thoughts run free - detoxification for the carousel of thoughts

A topic of our time: After waking up, the smartphone is checked first. But there is definitely another way to spend the morning: Proponents of so-called Morning Pages - developed by coach Julia Cameron - first grab a pen and three pieces of paper and fill them with all the thoughts that are in their head when they wake up. The beauty of this is that you can write down anything you like. There is no judging and no readjusting. The morning thoughts are free! Only one rule should be followed: No page should be left blank. It helps you to throw off ballast and to start the day easily. Because that is also European Ayurveda®. So grab a notebook and get your thoughts off your chest.

You have all the time for yourself, the morning is all yours. Start the day light and rested!

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