Detox lunch: Paneer with creamed spinach

A bowl of salad Detox

In autumn, nature undergoes a change that is at least as intense as in spring. Vata dosha is at work again, preparing the environment for the coming winter months. Everything retreats into stagnation and regeneration, so that Kapha then prepares the spirits for the coming year. Accordingly, in these times of change, a detox cure is still a recommended measure. The body is freed from old waste products, the immune system is strengthened and body, mind and soul can once again gather new energies. At the European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof you will find a suitable cure that supports your regeneration. You can book it here .

Nutrition in particular plays an important role during this time. With the right recipes, the digestive fire Agni is strengthened. Our bioenergies can be brought back into balance and ama can be removed.

How your diet supports you during the Detox cure

A bowl with nuts
Nuts are suitable for a detox diet.

The detox diet should help you to give your body new life energies. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, high-quality grains, legumes such as lentils, spices and herbs, seeds and nuts are suitable for this. They provide your body with energy, free you from ballast and can be weight-reducing.

Nutrition is not only about the right foods, but also about the right food intake. There are a few things you should keep in mind:

Try to eat hot food 2 to 3 times a day if possible.

Always cook the grain before you eat it.

If the fruit or vegetables are cooked, grilled or steamed, you can eat them at any time of the day. Eat raw food until 3 pm at the most. Later, the vata dosha begins to affect the day's energies.

Use high-quality oils or ghee for cooking and frying.

Reduce the consumption of animal products such as milk, eggs, fish or meat. It is recommended to eat meat or fish a maximum of 2 times a week.

Detox recipe: Paneer with creamed spinach

Paneer Indian cream cheese
Paneer is Indian fresh cheese that you can make yourself.

The following recipe is quick to prepare and makes a good lunch or dinner. It strengthens your Kapha and Pitta and fuels the digestive fire Agni. Paneer is an Indian fresh cheese that you can make yourself.

You need for it:

  • 3/4 L milk
  • 1/2 squeezed lemon
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Put the milk in a pot and bring it to a boil. Take the pot off the cooker and add the lemon juice. The milk will start to flocculate. If necessary, boil the milk again.

Place a fresh kitchen towel in a large sieve. Pour the milk through the sieve. A grainy creamy consistency remains in the towel. Carefully squeeze the remaining moisture out of the towel. What remains is paneer, the cream cheese.

For the actual recipe you need:

  • 400 g spinach
  • 100 g paneer
  • 1 pepper
  • 1 sweet apple
  • 1 green chilli
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1 ground black peppercorn
  • 3/4 - 1 tsp salt
  • 150 ml coconut milk


Wash the spinach, drain it and chop up the leaves. Grate the bell pepper and apple into a bowl. Chop the chili as small as possible. Heat the ghee in a pan and fry the chili for about 10 seconds. Add the bell pepper and apple and sauté for 7 minutes. Now add the coconut milk, pepper and spinach and cook until the spinach is soft. Finally, fold in the paneer.

The dish is easily digestible and tastes spicy-sweet. Especially on cold days or in winter, this dish warms you from the inside out. You can serve it with potatoes as a side dish.

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