Instructions for perfect abdominal breathing

Woman and meditation

Conscious breathing contains a healing power. Especially in meditation you can use this aspect to free yourself from stress, to focus and to get closer to yourself again. An alert mind and emotional balance become possible as a result. However, in order not to fall into tense chest breathing, there are some aspects to consider. If you want to perform the conscious, correct abdominal breathing optimally, then this guide might help you.

The relaxed breathing holds healing

Breathing is the most natural thing in the world - but because your nervous system takes over this process quite automatically, many people find it difficult to really breathe consciously. Meditation is an excellent way to practice your abdominal breathing in a regular practice. In this way you will better balance your basic constitution and find more harmony. This is because your breathing is directly linked to the emotional, physical and spiritual realms of your being.

This means that you can consciously influence how you feel through your breathing. You've probably noticed yourself how your breathing adapts to your mood and situation. If you are happy, this can lead to deep, liberated breathing. In stressful situations, on the other hand, you react with tension, which manifests itself in short, oppressive chest breathing. Unfortunately, regular hectic activity can cause this condition to normalize.

For this reason, you can learn to use your breathing in such a way that your mental and physical health can be preserved by transforming negative feelings into positive ones. If you manage to maintain relaxed abdominal breathing even in tense situations, your nervousness will simply dissipate - you will face challenges in a more relaxed way. Your prana - your life energy - will be stimulated and harmonized.

Proper abdominal breathing requires a bit of practice and perseverance.

How to perform abdominal breathing correctly

By mastering to breathe into the abdomen in a relaxed manner, the diaphragm contracts and thus pushes your abdominal organs and with them the abdominal wall forward with its central tendon plate. This allows the air to flow in optimally through the trachea. During relaxed exhalation from the abdomen, the lateral abdominal muscles contract in turn - so the abdominal organs are pushed towards the diaphragm. In this way, the diaphragm is able to relax, sinking far back into the chest cavity and allowing the air to be pushed out of the lungs without any barriers. In contrast to paradoxical abdominal breathing, you can thus find liberation.

If you are in the process of your first attempts at proper abdominal breathing, it is best to follow this beginner's exercise:

  1. Sit in an upright position and position your back and head as straight as possible. You can let your shoulders hang loosely down. If you feel more comfortable in another way, you can lie down with your back on the floor and place your hands and arms at your sides. Now you can close your eyes.
  2. Now place one hand on your belly - the middle finger should be on the belly button, the other hand can be placed on the breastbone. Try to breathe consciously and slowly into your belly - your abdominal wall should move as you breathe in and out. At first, this may only affect the upper or middle abdominal area. Your sternum should remain largely motionless.
  3. Pay attention to gentle breathing and increase it to deeper and slower abdominal breathing. Try to let it become looser and looser - this should allow for natural, deeper breathing. Do not breathe forcibly into the belly, but in a relaxed way. Just follow your impulse whenever you feel the need to breathe in or out.
  4. Ideally, you will become increasingly calm and relaxed. You will also notice that your belly moves gently, relaxed and completely from the solar plexus to the genitals.

These four steps are a very good start to approach perfect belly breathing. Use this breathing technique for between 10 and 20 minutes and feel more liberated and comfortable!

If you are already a little further along on your path to ideal abdominal breathing, then this advanced exercise is a useful addition to your relaxation sessions:

  1. Your posture should remain straight, whether you are standing, sitting or lying down. Relax your shoulders and any muscles that are not actively needed.
  2. Concentrate on your abdominal wall again - breathe in and out deeper and more relaxed.
  3. Now place one hand on your belly - the middle finger should be on the belly button, the other hand can be placed on the breastbone. Try to breathe consciously and slowly into your abdomen - your abdominal wall should move as you breathe in and out. In the beginning, this may only affect the upper or middle abdominal area. Your sternum should remain largely motionless.
  4. Now use the power of your imagination! Imagine how you take in new power and energy when you breathe in. When you exhale, you send out light and love. Repeat these imagination suggestions also mentally by having the words "power and energy" clearly in front of your eyes when inhaling and seeing the words "light and love" clearly when exhaling. This exercise is recommended for about 10 breaths. Of course, you can repeat this extended abdominal exercise as many times as you feel comfortable.
  5. In addition, the so-called light press breathing is advantageous: it helps you with tensions in the abdomen. Press the breath gently into your abdomen - your abdominal wall curves strongly outward, becoming spherical-round, as soon as you inhale. When you exhale, it pulls back inwards. This exercise helps very well to get a relaxed feeling in your belly again. Then continue with gentle abdominal breathing - but do not consciously move your abdominal wall.

The beauty of these exercises is not just a momentary release - over time you will see that you are breathing automatically into your belly. Take 1-2 times a day around 10 to 15 minutes to practice your belly breathing techniques in a concentrated way. Soon you will feel how you can find relaxation, but also new vitality! Good luck!

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