Ayurvedic massages for your immune system and well-being

Ayurvedic massages for your immune system and well-being

When was the last time you had a massage? Preferably on the whole body? We tend to go for a massage only when our neck is stiff and our back hurts so much that we can hardly move. But Ayurvedic massages have a much deeper meaning for body, mind and soul. In our European Ayurveda Resort Sonnhof, massages are a fixed component of the individual cures and programs.

Detach and let go

The combination of touch and high-quality oils make Ayurvedic massages so effective. Ayurvedic therapists know exactly how to touch you in order to set certain processes in motion. First of all, Ayurvedic massages are always touch. And this feels heavenly on the skin, which is our largest organ, for some. Others, on the other hand, do not like to be touched for various reasons. Here too, however, massage has a healing power, because the precious and loving movements on the skin can break through this self-protective barrier built up by fear and injury.

The regular and repetitive movements promote warmth and immediately help you enter a state of relaxation. Your mind is "shut down" and you can devote yourself completely to the sensation you are experiencing. You will quickly feel how tensions and touches slowly release and make room. Your whole body expands, becomes more supple and agile. You are in the flow.

Ayurvedic massages for your immune system and well-being
Ayurvedic massages are an important part during an Ayurvedic cure

Detoxify and purify

But of course it is not only the skin that is pampered. At the same time, the internal organs are massaged, which stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. By massaging in healing oils, the pores of the skin are opened. So while the good ingredients of the oils are absorbed, at the same time the detoxification process is enhanced. Both physical and psychological imbalances can be counteracted with the help of an Ayurvedic cure. Not only physical blockages are solved, but also mental ones.

Massages therefore also help to clear the mind, open the blinders and accordingly allow for more inspiration and expansiveness. Harmony on all levels - in the literal sense. Because the massage works from the outermost layer of the skin deep into your cells and beyond into your soul. We tell you which Ayurvedic massages are particularly good for strengthening the immune system and generally for your well-being.

Upana - the salt-rich Ayurvedic massage strengthens your defenses

Ayurvedic massage stimulates blood circulation through the use of a salt-oil scrub. Thanks to the coarse-grained structure of the salts, the massage is particularly effective in cleansing and detoxification. At the same time, flushing out harmful substances strengthens the immune system. The massage has the advantage of beautifying the appearance of the skin.

Ayurvedic massages for your immune system and well-being
During an Ayurvedic massage the detoxification process is stimulated

Udanavata© - our European Ayurveda® special massage

The appropriate Ayurvedic massage to release physical and mental blockages. Since anxiety is often located in the abdomen or affects digestion, this is a special abdominal treatment. The massage stimulates venous and lymphatic reflux and greatly helps to clear the mind, sleep better and find your inner center. You feel strengthened and stable and hear your inner voice again.

Prana Healing Massage© - the Ayurvedic massage especially from Sonnhof

The massage is aimed at harmonizing your energy centers. We work with high-quality chakra essences, which you can choose yourself before the massage. The intuitive approach assumes that you subconsciously know what you need or what you are missing. Through the use of your self-selected essence, the harmony of body, mind and soul is restored.

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