Ayurvedic massages: Overview of all approaches

Ayurveda massages at a glance

Ayurvedic massages have a positive effect on health and are therefore mainly used for medical purposes. Besides, there is of course also a well-being effect. Depending on the individual adjustment, an Ayurvedic massage can be relaxing, or invigorating and strengthening - or all of these together. Ayurvedic massages are good for a healthy body and mind due to the type-specific treatment. Here are all the important types at a glance.

The wonderful effects of oil massages

In the traditional Indian art of healing, different types of Ayurvedic massages are distinguished. They play an important role in Ayurvedic teachings. Incidentally, the oldest written records of this practice date back more than 3,500 years! Ayurvedic massage is therefore one of the oldest massage techniques.

Before the treatment, it is very important to have a type-specific adjustment - your dosha type is discussed so that a harmony of Vata, Kapha and Pitta can be achieved later. Based on this, the right massage for your individual complaints is selected. As different as they are performed - they all have one thing in common: Ayurvedic massages support you in living a healthy life.

You can also expect these effects from an Ayurvedic massage:

  • A smooth, supple and resistant skin
  • A strengthened tissue
  • A relaxed musculature
  • Improved sleep
  • Effect against exhaustion and stress
  • The lymph flow is increased, detoxification can take place
  • Stimulates Agni (digestive fire) - also helps with cleansing
  • Rejuvenating effect - Ojas (life energy) is built up
  • Body, mind and soul are relaxed
  • Positive effect on the psyche - endurance, concentration, strength, loving stability
  • The self-healing powers are activated - the entire organism is strengthened!

Find out what other types of massage Ayurveda has in store for you here:

Abhyanga: the traditional Ayurvedic massage

When talking about Ayurveda massages, one must not Abhyanga not be forgotten. As a full body massage, it is the most widespread technique and means something like "massage with oil". A lot of warm, fragrant oil is applied, mixed with herbal extracts. A high-quality therapeutic oil is used. No wonder Abhyanga is so popular! In India, it is also considered the massage of pure love - because it comes from an attitude of the open heart and thus also reaches our soul. Attitude and devotion therefore play equally important roles.

Because the oil not only has a superficial healing effect on the skin. It also penetrates deep into the tissue - there it has nourishing and balancing effects, whereby waste products and toxins can be dissolved and eliminated. Basically, the energy flow in the body is activated and deep relaxation is achieved. Ayurvedic teachings speak here of the srotas, which are opened - i.e. the channels with which the unwanted ama can be removed - thus making a holistic cleansing possible. This is exactly why Abhyanga is so beneficial to health.

Synchronous Abhyanga

A special form of full body massage is synchronous abhyanga. This is even more effective and pleasant, as two therapists massage synchronously from head to toe with herbal oils. The face and ears are also included. In addition to the relaxation effect, the massage also has a strengthening and invigorating effect.

The forehead oil pour is one of the best known and most popular Ayurvedic massages.

Shirodhara: Forehead oil pour

This special form of Ayurvedic massage is mainly for the head and face. Warm oil is poured from a height of 10 cm in a fine stream over the forehead. Individually selected herbal oils are also used here.

Shirodhara is particularly beneficial for headaches, migraines, insomnia, high blood pressure, neuralgia, or even psychological upsets.

The application provides mental and spiritual relaxation by stabilising the entire nervous system . Shirodhara is also beneficial for the ability to concentrate. The treatment is often performed together with a face and head massage.

Shiroabhyanga: head massage

One of the many other partial treatments is Shiroabhyanga. In this treatment, the head and neck are massaged with oil. The stimulated blood circulation lets you say goodbye to nervous tension. Interestingly, this can also promote hair growth.

Mukabhyanga: Face and décolleté massage

During this Ayurvedic massage, the face is gently massaged with a nourishing and cleansing cream. In this way, the nerve structures of the face are optimally relaxed. The result is a natural, relaxed facial expression. This also results in a rejuvenated appearance. The skin becomes supple-soft through the Mukabyanga treatment.

Padabhyanga: Foot massage

By massaging the feet, energy accumulations and blockages can be released. In addition, tiredness and exhaustion are dispelled. Padabhyanga gives the feet more stability, strength and softness. The eyesight is also said to be improved by the application.

Upanhasveda: Back massage

This partial massage takes care of the back. It strengthens and loosens the muscles from the hips up to the crown of the head. The Ayurvedic back massage can also help with typical tensions, such as lumbago. In addition, the massage is recommended for complaints of the sciatic nerve.

The treatment is also very beneficial in cases of stress. In some cases, the massage is followed by a lepa application. This is a paste consisting of herbs, plant juices or oils. This is applied directly to the body and kept warm.

A raw silk glove massage can also help with cellulite.

Garshan: Dry massage / Raw silk glove massage

If the traditional Garshan massage is applied, it is done in a dry state with silk gloves. Here, too, the whole body is massaged, but without the addition of oil.

By gently stimulating the connective tissue, the metabolism and circulation are stimulated. In this way, waste products can be eliminated more quickly and easily. Garshan also helps prevent and reduce cellulite. The peeling effect is also wonderful.

Marma massage: Vital point massage

This massage is a very intensive full body, head and face massage. The so-called Marma points (vital points) are included. In Ayurvedic teachings, these are the centre of life - there are a total of 108 of them in various parts of the body.

Through the Marma massage, exactly these vital points are massaged. This stimulates the internal organs in a positive way.

The Marma treatment has a releasing and vitalising effect. It is said to have a positive effect especially on tension, blockages, hardening, arthrosis and overweight.

It is also particularly beneficial for disorders caused by over-stimulation of the nervous system . The nutrient supply and physical strength are also supported by the Marma massage. In addition, there are many other positive effects.

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