Affirmations: Realise your new life

With an affirmation you visualise your goals.

What visions do you have of yourself and your life? In our last blog post we wrote about how the laws and energies of the universe influence your life and your visions. Today we show you how you can visualise and realise your new life with affirmations.

What affirmations can do

In addition to visualisations, positive affirmations can support you in the process of bringing your visions into the here and now. These are positive beliefs that enable you to positively polarise your subconscious. They support you to unite with your highest "I am " and your abundance of thoughts. The two words "I am" may seem small, but they are the most powerful words in your universe. Because no matter what follows this magical combination of words, it creates your reality. In this way, you can change your feelings and your identity, or even your trust in yourself, day by day, bit by bit, and subconsciously steer your consciousness into a new future.

The integration of your positive affirmations into your everyday life is very variable. You can write them down and stick them on your bathroom mirror, for example, to have them regularly in front of your eyes. Or you can keep a thought diary and read them out loud before you go to bed. If you are more of an auditory type, you can record them and listen to them again and again. There are no limits to what you can do as long as you repeat them to yourself over and over again. Only repetition makes it possible to anchor your positive beliefs in the subconscious mind and to

so to change your present already today through your visions.

In European Ayurveda we use affirmations and positive principles for better self-awareness. Empowerment counselling helps you to learn new perspectives of yourself.

You can write down affirmations in a journal, for example, to manifest them better.

Which affirmations suit me?

The list of positive affirmations is almost endless. You can manifest your wishes, goals and hopes for yourself as if they have already come true. In the following we have summarised a few affirmations on various topics that you can write down or internalise during meditation. It is important that you always form your sentences in a positive way and WITHOUT the word "not" or "none". Because the subconscious cannot process the word "not". In this way, a positively intended sentence is turned into a negative one.

Instead of
"I have no financial problems".

you say:
"I am financially secure."

It's a small difference, but it makes a lot of difference in your vision.


I am self-confident.

I have a strong character.
I am full of positive energy.

I am important.

I love myself.

I am grateful.


I have a profession that fulfils me.

I am financially secure.

I experience wealth.

I live a carefree life financially.

My work is valuable.


I am a loving partner.

I am loved.

My partnership fulfils me.

I live in the partnership at eye level.

I am respected and respect my partner.

I am satisfied.


I am healthy.

I live a life in full health.

I like to eat healthy.

I take care of myself.

I drink enough.

I enjoy sport.

These are just a few inspirations to help you turn your vision into reality. Be creative and find the words that make you a better version of yourself.

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