5 rituals that help you find inner peace

Woman meditates

Pranayama (Alternative nasal breathing)

Start the day each morning with alternate breathing (Nadi Shodhana), a breathing technique that calms the mind and body to eliminate anxiety and stress.

Simply sit comfortably with your eyes closed and place the index and middle fingers of your right hand between your eyebrows, your ring and little fingers on your left nostril and your thumb on your right nostril.

Now press your thumb down on the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Do not strain. Inhale through the left nostril and then press it with the ring finger and the little finger. Lift the right thumb and exhale through the right nostril.

Inhale through the right side and up, press the right nostril closed with the thumb, and exhale through the left nostril. Inhale through the left side and gently press the left nostril closed with the ring and little finger, lift the thumb from the right nostril and exhale again.

Feel the deep breath

Repeat this Pranayama nine times and inhale alternately through both nostrils.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Namaha (the Moon Mantra)

Chanting a mantra fills the environment and ourselves with energy.

The moon mantra is "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Namaha", and chanting it opens the heart to the blessing of gratitude. Chant this mantra very slowly nine times a day.

It is best to do this first thing in the morning to experience the benefits throughout the day. This mantra helps to attract positive relationships, successful communication and mental stability. Mantra chanting, like alternate nostril breathing, is a form of pranayama and will help bring your mind into the present moment.

Pronunciation: Om Na-mo Ba-ga-va-tay Va-su day-vai-ya Na-ma-ha

Enjoy silence, stillness and peace - feel your inner voice!


This ancient practice releases stress and generates deep calm, which supports balanced health of mind, body and spirit. The practice of meditation is easier after alternate nasal breathing or chanting because the mind is calmed after these techniques. Place attention on the breath.... and then simply let go to enjoy the abundance of all the health benefits of meditation for mind and body.

Give to others

Many see the holidays as a stressful time of year. Instead of reaching out, they withdraw and isolate themselves. Yet there is volunteering at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen or other charity. Clear out all those clothes in your closet that you never wear anyway, and donate coats, blankets and warm clothing. Check out these five creative ways to feed the hungry. A simple act of kindness to others is also a blessing to the person performing it.

Create a Vedic altar of gratitude

Altars serve as focal points to create something positive in life. Northeast energy is the confluence of the positive magnetic energy from the north and the positive solar energy from the east.

The northeast energy is the most powerful and positive energy in your home and specifically supports your spiritual connection to the divine and the unseen forces that guide your daily life. An altar built in this area of your home reinforces this connection.

Creating an altar that focuses on gratitude sets the energy of attraction in motion and brings more of what you want into your life. Practising gratitude helps you recover more quickly from difficult times and strengthens your immune system. Gratitude can also strengthen your social relationships.

These five steps are powerful tools to use during the season of gratitude and beyond. They will support you to keep your heart open and stay energised and happy throughout the year.

( Source Deepak Chopra )

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